Happy Valentine's Day From The Wild Mustang Trail!
Hiked the Wild Mustang Trail (9 miles) last Sunday. See 3-D video of the hike and some interesting photos above and below.
Wild Mustang Trail Hike-3D Video (2/5/23)
I Hike Fast But Not This Fast!

Picacho Moon
Not A Spy Balloon!

Tortolita Crag First Light
Dos Amigos Down
I took this iconic B&W photo called Dos Amigos at the high point of the Wild Mustang Trail (4,100') a few years ago and was saddened to see that these two old saguaro friends came down by natural forces during the summer monsoon (2022). They had a wonderful long life together.
This is the way it should be---not by chainsaw or bulldozer!

Southwestern Mock Vervain
First Wildflower 2023