Pima County Natural Resources Parks & Recreation
Tortolita East & West Trails Concept Map
On 3/6/20, Tortolita Alliance (TA) met with Pima County Natural Resources Parks & Recreation (PC-NRPR) to learn more about their programs and potential collaborative endeavors.
PC-NRPR develops and manages a broad range of parks, trails and recreational programs throughout Pima County. Go to PC-NRPR website to learn more. PC-NRPR and Marana Parks & Recreation (MPR) work closely together on a variety of natural resource, parks, trails and recreational programs. Therefore, TA collaboration with PC-NRPR is a natural fit!
PC-NRPR is working on a number of trail (hike, bicycle & equestrian) connection projects that could potentially link to the Tortolita Preserve trail system. Here is what we learned.
CAP Trail Segment & Trailhead-In 2017, PC-NRPR & MPR announced the development of the Central Arizona Project (CAP) Trail segment in Marana. See Press Release. This trail segment extends along the CAP a distance of 6.7 miles from Tangerine Road/I-10 interchange, north to the Marana/Pinal County boundary and will ultimately connect to the 336-mile CAP Trail. MPR is currently constructing the CAP Trailhead near the Tangerine Road/I-10 interchange (see map above-note dotted lines are conceptual trail locations).

I-10 Trail Bridge-PC-NRPR is proposing a trail bridge that would go across and over I-10 about 1.5 miles northwest of the Tangerine Road/I-10 interchange at N. Patton Road. This trail bridge would link the trail systems on the south and north sides of Marana. See rendering to the right.

Sun Corridor Trail-this is a proposed connection of multiple existing trails in Nevada and Arizona and would create a 1,500-mile trail system from Las Vegas to Douglas, AZ. See map of the southern portion to the left.
The connection of these proposed trail systems to the TP Trail system is a good thing and once again demonstrates the importance of TP to not only Marana but the entire region. We look forward to working with PC-NRPR and MPR as these projects progress in the months and years ahead.