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  • Writer's pictureMark L. Johnson

Let's Not Get Buffel-ode

Updated: Aug 2, 2020

Buffelgrass is a non-native grass that was purposely imported to southern Arizona as cattle forage and for soil erosion control.

Unfortunately, buffelgrass has spread beyond its original planting areas and is a menace for two primary reasons; (1) crowds out other native plants and (2) provides fuel for fires that could destroy our Sonoran Desert environment.

I have engaged with Stan Ross, a local resident who is active in removing/spraying buffelgrass in the Dove Mountain region. On two recent hikes we made the following observations:

  • Good news! We hiked the eastern end of the Tortolita Preserve and found no buffelgrass. We will hike the western end soon.

  • Not so good news! This week we hiked the Upper Javelina and portions of the Wild Mustang trail and did find buffelgrass in some areas.

We hope to establish some work parties to help remove/spray buffelgrass and will announce dates/times in the near future.

Click on these three great resources to learn more about buffelgrass:


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