Next Steps
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  • Writer's pictureMark L. Johnson

Next Steps

Updated: Aug 2, 2020

The action Tuesday evening by the Marana Town Council to approve the Make Marana 2040 General Plan while protecting the Tortolita Preserve and deleting the Special Planning Area (SPA) is a major accomplishment but the work of the Tortolita Alliance carries on.

The Tortolita Alliance intends to work with the Town of Marana on a variety of initiatives, including the following:

  • Make Marana 2040 General Plan (Plan)-the document is going through final changes based on the 12/10/19 Town Council Hearing and will be available at the end of December or early January. The Town will then begin preparations (no timetable yet) for bringing the Plan to a vote of the people in August 2020. The Tortolita Alliance will be reviewing the final document and keeping tabs on the schedule.

  • Financial Analysis of Tortolita Preserve Lease Payments vs Tax Revenue-a public records request for the data to undertake this analysis has been made.

  • University of Arizona-Potential Collaboration-meeting with University of Arizona key officials is planned to discuss potential open space, wildlife habitat, and watershed research to support protection of the Tortolita Preserve.

  • Marana Unified School District-Potential Collaboration-meeting with Marana Unified School District officials is planned to discuss potential science education opportunities and programs at the Tortolita Preserve.

  • Tucson Audubon Collaboration-seminars and eBird bird count initiatives are in the works.

  • Coalition For Sonoran Desert Protection (CSDP) Collaboration-continue collaboration with Carolyn Campbell and the CSDP on a variety of these and other initiatives.

  • Dove Mountain/Marana Public Water Supply Study-a complete analysis (by the Tortolita Alliance) of the public water supply situation in Dove Mountain and Marana is underway and a report will be available in January/February.

  • Tortolita Preserve Trail Maintenance-volunteers to work with the Town to maintain the trail.

In addition, the Tortolita Alliance is working on the following:

  • Tortolita Alliance-Non-Profit Corporation-the filing for AZ non-profit corporation is underway.

  • Logo-graphics designer has been engaged to develop logo options.

  • Website Enhancements-feedback options, logo, fund raising module & more.

The Tortolita Alliance Core Team will be meeting in early January and we will be setting a date, time and location for a General Meeting of the Tortolita Alliance so we can all get together and discuss these initiatives and others you may have.

Thanks again to the Town of Marana and all Tortolita Alliance supporters!

Have a great Holiday!

© 2024 by the Tortolita Alliance

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