Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Marana Municipal Complex, 11555 W. Civic Center Drive, Marana
The Make Marana 2040 General Plan (GP) is currently going through the public hearing process. Click here for a link to the GP website.
The GP has many good features but one major omission is a discussion and map of the Tortolita Preserve! We urge all concerned citizens to attend this meeting and voice your concern. Fill out a speaker’s card and give your input (you will have three minutes to speak).
Here are some suggested talking points:
The previous General Plan (2010) referenced the Tortolita Preserve as “dedicated open space”. Why the change?
How can an important planning document exclude such beautiful and valuable open space?
Put the Tortolita Preserve on all the Make Marana 2040 General Plan Maps.
Protect wildlife habitat—the Preserve provides a home to a diverse population of birds and animals.
Conserve Open Space---the Preserve provides a perfect location for open space in the center of Marana.
Watershed Protection---the Preserve is located in the Tortolita Fan and conserving this land will ensure a clean source of water for natural recharge of local groundwater and surface water supplies.
Hiking--the Preserve provides 9 miles of pristine hiking trails.
Mountain Biking--the Preserve provides 9 miles of beautiful biking trails.
Horseback Riding--the Preserve provides 9 miles of beautiful riding trails.
We look forward to seeing you Wednesday night.
Also, remember that this is not the final hearing. There will be a Town Council Special Hearing on Tuesday, December 10 at 6:00 PM at the Marana Municipal Complex. Everyone needs to attend this meeting as well.
Thanks for all the help and support.