Soft Feather Pappusgrass Invasion
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  • Writer's pictureMark L. Johnson

Soft Feather Pappusgrass Invasion

Soft Feather Pappusgrass-Alamo Springs Trail (8/22/21)

The monsoonal rains this summer have resulted in a plethora of grass growth in the Tortolita Mountains. Soft feather pappusgrass is one invasive grass species that has taken over many of the trails.

According to Pima County's Ecological Monitoring For Tracking Invasive Plant Occurrences (click on button below to download), this invasive species is native to Africa and southern mainland Asia. The USDA imported seeds 1942. The infestation is mainly concentrated in Pima County. It appears this grass has now spread more significantly than previously reported by Pima County.

PICO_Invasive Plants Monitoring Protocol 2020 Jun 2
Download PDF • 6.11MB

TA has reported this to Marana Parks & Recreation and Pima County Office of Sustainability and Conservation. When this grass dries out---it will provide fuel for potential wildfires. We need to be vigilant.

See more photos of soft feather pappusgrass below.


Upper Javelina Trail (9/5/21)


Alamo Springs Trail (8/22/21)

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