Sunset-West Hyannisport, MA
I took this photo a few days ago a short distance from my boyhood home on Cape Cod, MA. This is a beautiful view but it does not show the adverse impacts of over-development in a resort destination with an environmentally sensitive ecoystem. Traffic, water pollution and water supply are just some of today’s problems on Cape Cod.
50-60 years ago these problems did not exist. Cape Cod was pristine. I could ride my bike down to the beach and go shellfishing for soft shell clams, crabs, quahogs, scallops and oysters. A sign a few feet away from where I took this photo indicated that “All Shellfishing Was Prohibited“ and the reason is water quality.
Let’s not let this happen to Marana. You will have the opportunity to hear and hopefully speak during two upcoming Study Sessions.
The first Study Session is on Tuesday, August 10 at 6:00 PM at the Marana Municipal Complex Second Floor Conference Room and the topic is Development: Discussion On Housing Profile & Design Standards.
The second Marana Study Session is on Tuesday, August 24 at 6:00 PM at the Marana Town Council Chambers and the topic is WATER.
Please put these on your calendar and TA will be sending out more information on these very important Study Sessions as we get more details.
Now back to hiking in the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire!