Today the Tortolita Alliance (TA) provided letters to the Town of Marana (Marana) in advance of the April 21 Town Council Meeting regarding two items; (1) proposed Requirements For On-Site Recreation Areas and (2) Marana COVID-19 Response.
Requirements For On-Site Recreation Areas
The April 21, 2020 Marana Town Council Agenda includes Item D1-Requirements For On-Site Recreation Areas. TA has reviewed the materials provided for this agenda item and although we support the need for updated requirements, the proposed new On-Site Recreation Area standards are wholly inadequate. More importantly, it appears that only the home builders and developers were included in workshops that developed the new requirements. TA requested in today's letter that the process be re-started and include a greater cross-section of the community.
Marana COVID-19 Response
TA provided an adulatory letter to Marana regarding their excellent response to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially keeping the trails open. TA offered to help with trail maintenance and suggested that Marana should request a waiver for the Tortolita Preserve Lease rent for calendar year 2020 which would save Marana $600,000.
Supporting Comments
We are asking TA supporters to send letters and/or emails to the Marana Town Council supporting these two items if you are so inclined. The easiest way to correspond with the Town Council is to send your letter/email to the Town Clerk, Cherry Lawson. Her email address is: Cherry will distribute your letter/email to the City Council.
Stay safe and healthy!