Jim Tripp Moving On
Jim Tripp (TA Vice President) and family have decided to move back to the mid-west. Accordingly, Jim has resigned as a TA Board member.
Jim is one of the founders of TA. We first met at one of the early Marana Planning Commission Meetings regarding the Make Marana 2040 General Plan.
We will miss Jim's scientific and local historical knowledge and his good sense of humor. All the best to Jim and his family. Happy Trails!

Saguaro Super Bloom
Many have written that Saguaro flowers this year are the most prolific in 20 years. After my Upper Javelina hike on Sunday, I tend to agree. A recent This Is Tucson Article explains that saguaro water storage is the key. I also believe the saguaros are looking out for the birds and other animals by providing more nectar and fruit during this extended drought. Maybe our water managers/bureaucrats should look to the saguaro for best management practices for our precious water supply.

Drought Status
Speaking of drought. TA attended the Local Area Drought Impact Group (LDIG) meeting on 5/12/21. 95% of Arizona is classified as being in Severe Drought. See April Short-Term Drought Status map (right).

Arizona Water Supply Issues
Lake Powell/Glen Canyon Dam (photo by Jim Quigley) is at 35% capacity and Lake Mead/Hoover Dam is at 38% capacity. Yikes! Forecasters are predicting that the Colorado River system will go into Tier 1 Shortage conditions in 2022. There have been some great water articles recently by Tony Davis (Arizona Daily Star) and Ian James (Arizona Republic).

Dove Mountain Rotary Club Water Presentation
TA gave a presentation on our local water situation to the Dove Mountain Rotary Club on 5/13/21 via Zoom. The Water Presentation is located on the TA Website at the Resources-Docs & Talks Tab.

Marana Parks & Recreation Master Plan Award
The Marana Parks & Recreation Department received the Metropolitan Pima Alliance Common Ground Award on 5/15/21. Congratulations to Jim Conroy (Director) and his team for an outstanding job.

Summit For Arizona Trails
The Summit For Arizona Trails is happening May 19 & 20. Click on the link to find more about this important summit.

CAP Trailhead Opens
TA Board Members Dave Barker and David Howe attended the opening of the CAP Trailhead sponsored by the Marana Parks & Recreation Department at Tangerine/I-10 on 5/15. In the future you will be able to bike/hike from Marana to Phoenix along the CAP canal!