Meet The Change4Marana Candidates-Sign Petitions
Patrick Cavanaugh, Mark Johnson and Tim Kosse are running for Marana Town Council as the Change4Marana team and need your help. Each candidate needs 552 petition signatures (must be registered voter in Marana) to qualify for the election. You can sign their petitions on-line (up to March 5) by clicking on the their name above which will direct you to their websites that include a link to their E-Qual (on-line) petition.
Patrick, Mark and Tim will be attending the Highlands Garage Sale and Dove Mountain Market this Saturday morning (2/19). Come meet the candidates and they will have hard-copy paper petitions to sign if you did not have a chance to sign the petitions on-line. They will be attending various events across Marana in the coming weeks.
Invasive Grass From The Air
Our good friend Jim Horn was kind enough to take some drone video of invasive grass proliferation in hard to reach spots near the Upper Javelina Trail. Bufflegrass and Soft Feather Pappusgrass are the most prolific.

Tortolita Preserve Damage
After more than a year of no Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) incidents in the Tortolita Preserve (TP), we've had a few disturbing incidents recently. See photo of OHV damage to cactus and shrubs. This is why the western portion of TP needs to be fenced!
If you hear or see OHV trespassing in the TP, please call the Marana PD and let us know.

Tortolita Preserve BioBlitz
TA met with Marana Parks & Recreation, Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection, AZ Game & Fish and Pima Naturalists on 2/10 to continue planning for the BioBlitz (natural resource survey). The first BioBlitz is tentatively being scheduled for November. Stayed tuned for more information in the months ahead.
Aridification Of The West Confirmed
A recent study published in Nature Climate Change indicates the last 22-years is the driest period over the last 1,200 years! Arifidification is a reality and we must plan and be prudent with our precious water supply resources. Click on the button below to read the Study.