Water Year 2022 Update
Tortolita Alliance (TA) attended the Local Drought Impact Group (LDIG) Meeting via Microsoft Team on November 8, 2022.
LDIG is a bi-monthly gathering of local and state water agencies to discuss latest drought conditions across the state of AZ. Attendees include: TA, Marana Water, Tucson Water, Metro Water, National Weather Service-Tucson, Central Arizona Project (CAP), Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR), Pima County Office of Sustainability & Conservation (OSC) and more. The following information was gleaned from the meeting:
Water Year 2022 Precipitation-Tucson Airport (Oct 2021-Sept 2022)
6.97 inches vs 10.61 inches (normal) or -3.64 inches below normal
Monsoon 2022 Precipitation-Tucson Airport (June 15-October 31 2022)
4.94 inches vs 5.69 inches (normal) or -0.75 inches below normal. Click on Monsoon Chart above.
Colorado River Conditions
Lake Powell (25% full) and Lake Mead (28% full) as of 11/26/22
Tier 2a Shortage Conditions begin 1/1/23
USBR pressing for more cut-backs (2-4 million acre-feet in 2023) because of dire projections. Click on 24-month Study Chart above.

Western Cities & Water Agencies Sign Water Savings Memorandum
Aridification of the western United States has resulted in the current dire situation with the Colorado River, which has required western cities and water agencies to execute a significant Water Savings and Collaboration Memorandum. The memo cites a 30% reduction in ornamental turf, indoor and outdoor water efficiency, transforming outdoor landscapes and urban environments, improving coordination between land-use planning and water planning, collaboration among Colorado River Water users and more. Tucson Water is the only municipality and/or water agency to sign this memorandum from our region.
Click on link below to download and read the memorandum.

TP BioBlitz-Huge Success
The Tortolita Preserve (TP) BioBlitz held on 11/19/22 was fabulous with the following stats:
682 Observations
137 Species
46 Observers
76 Identifiers
DM Community Meeting
Dove Mountain residents are invited to attend a community meeting with the Town of Marana regarding the recent uptick in crime and the continuing issue with low-flying aircraft in the Dove Mountain region. Terry Rozema (Town Manager), Reuben Nuñez (Police Chief) and Galen Beem (Airport Superintendent) will provide background information, steps being taken to address crime and low-flying aircraft in the Dove Mountain region and how we can safely help. This will be an opportunity to hear it directly from our Town leaders and ask questions.
When: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Where: Marana Police Department Community Room
Marana Municipal Complex
11555 W. Civic Center Drive, Marana, Arizona 85653