The following serves to update some important activities at the Tortolita Preserve (TP) and Upper Javelina Trail.

TP Spring Bioblitz
The AZ Master Naturalists Association conducted a TP Spring BioBlitz on April 15. This was a follow-up to the 2021 Fall BioBlitz in an effort to observe species during a different season. This BioBlitz was led by Dave DeGroot--TA Member and Master Naturalist (MN).
Twenty-five (25) MN's participated in the event and their observations can be viewed at the iNaturalist App-Tortolita Preserve Spring BioBlitz . The MNs made 292 observations and identified 114 different species. There were several new species identified like the gila monster shown in the above photo. The noteworthy finds can downloaded by clicking on the link below.
The Fall and Spring TP BioBlitz observations/species will be merged into one set of data and we will report on that in the future. Thanks to the Town of Marana Parks & Recreation (MPR) and especially Jay Grodman for their assistance. Thanks to Dave and all the MNs for their great work and providing excellent photographs of the species observed.
TP Projects Update
The new Moore Road Trailhead Project and Western Fence Project are about to be awarded and we should learn more in a few weeks about construction schedule.
Thanks to Jay Grodman (MPR) for providing following updates, data, photographs and maps.

TP Trail Counter
TA contributed $500 to Marana Parks & Recreation for the purchase of a trail counter to monitor hiking and biking activity in the TP and other MPR trails. The trail counter was placed in service in the TP in late March. The report for the first 3 weeks of April is shown below. The data includes hikers and bikers going both directions. For this period there was a total of 836 hikers/bikers with a daily average of 72 and a peak day of 120. Marana residents and visitors are actively visiting and enjoying this wonderful, pristine Sonoran Desert setting.

Upper Javelina Trail Relocation
The lower portion of the Upper Javelina Trail near West Boulder Bridge Pass is being relocated. See map below. The existing trail actually passes through Lot 153 of the Dove Mountain Resort subdivision (yellow line). The new portion of the trail will be located parallel and outside the northwest boundary of Lot 153 in an open space area and connect up with the Dove Mountain Community Trail on West Boulder Bridge Pass.