Tortolita Preserve (TP)-Mount Lemon View (3/27/24)
TP Trail Counter-First Year Results
Tortolita Alliance (TA) contributed $500 to Marana Parks & Recreation (MPR) for the purchase of a Trail Counter to monitor hiking and biking activity in the Tortolita Preserve (TP) and other MPR trails. The Trail Counter was placed in service in late March 2023. The report for the first year of service is shown below. The data includes hikers and bikers going both directions.
Here are the TP Trail Counter Annual Statistics (April 2023-March 2024):
Total Users-22,191
Average Daily Use-60
Peak Day Use-235
Average Monthly Use-1,850
Peak Month Use-3,451 (March 2024)

It is amazing that over the last year, 22,000+ Marana residents and visitors enjoyed this wonderful, pristine Sonoran Desert setting!
It also appears that the new Moore Road Trailhead has provided improved TP access as the usage is up since the trailhead was placed in service.
The Trail Counter will remain in its current location for at least one more year to get year-over-year data. Relocation of the Trail Counter to other TP locations will be considered in the future to establish trail usage patterns.
Thanks to MPR, especially Jay Grodman (Natural Resources Supervisor), for making this happen and providing the TA the Trail Counter data on a monthly basis.
Upcoming TP Events
April 25-Tortolita Preserve Nature Trek (MPR)-1.5 hour nature hike. Click in the link for more details.
May 2-Legacy Barbed Wire Fence Removal (TA & Other Groups)-Desert Fence Buster Volunteers will be removing old, dilapidated barbed wire fencing along the eastern panhandle boundary and west utility easement area. This effort will remove wildlife hazard conditions.
May 4-5-RUNMARANA-Tortolita Traverse(MPR)-multiple event trail run and mountain bike race. Click on the link for more details.