Monsoon Brewing-Wild Burro Canyon (6/23/24)
Dove Mountain Pedestrian Trail Maintenance
Tortolita Alliance (TA) contacted the Dove Mountain Community Association and requested a few maintenance items to be addressed along the Dove Mountain Pedestrian Trail. Thanks to AAA Landscape for removing old-unused irrigation lines that posed a trip hazard for hikers and removing trees that came down and blocked the Pedestrian Trail in the recent storms. AAA Landscape staff indicates the legacy irrigation line removal is a long-term project and will take some time to complete along the entire trail.
See before (left) and after (right) photos below:

Tangerine Road Corridor Update
TA filed a Public Records Request (PRR) with the Arizona State Land Department (ASLD) on 4/17/24 for correspondence, studies, reports, etc., related to the Tortolita Preserve, all ASLD land surrounding the TP and all ASLD land surrounding the Tangerine Corridor from 1/1/2020 to present. We have yet to receive any of this information.
Unfortunately, TA had to contact the Arizona Ombudsman-Citizen's Aide Office (Ombudsman) to assist. The Ombudsman is a state office that helps citizens with issues and disputes related to state agencies including PRRs.
The Ombudsman has been very helpful and contacted ASLD on our behalf and we are hoping to receive the records next week.

Aerial Recon For Minerals Update
TA recently reported in Aerial Recon For Minerals that Viridien (advanced technology, digital and Earth data company) performed extensive aerial reconnaissance in Southern Arizona (including Marana-Dove Mountain) to apparently sell the data and their services for potential mining operations. TA filed a PRR with the State Mining Inspector Office on 7/4/24 requesting information related to the aerial reconnaissance performed by Viridien. We have yet to receive any of this information. Once again we contacted the Ombudsman and they are helping with this request. More to come.
Did you know that there are at least 12 legacy mines in the Tortolita Mountains? You can locate these mines on the Arizona State Geological Survey Interactive Mining Districts Map. In the "find address or place" box, type Tortolita Mountains and it will zoom to the Tortolita Mining District. Click on the dots and it gives you a brief description of the mine.

Southwest Wings Birding & Nature Festival
Mark Johnson gave a presentation entitled, "Conserving The Tortolita Preserve" at the Southwest Wings Birding & Nature Festival on 8/1/24 in Sierra Vista. The presentation was well received. Click on the link below to download the PowerPoint.
Did you know that Sierra Vista is considered the "hummingbird capital of the US"? There are 15 different species of hummingbirds located in this area. One of the best places to observe hummingbirds is the Ramsey Canyon Preserve which is owned and operated by the Nature Conservancy.