Tortolita Preserve (12/10/22)
Mule Deer Jumping For Joy
Good news from Marana Parks & Recreation (MPR) on three Tortolita Preserve (TP) projects that the Tortolita Alliance (TA) has been working on for the last few years! Some good TP Holiday cheer!
Moore Road Trailhead Improvements
The design of the TP Moore Road Trailhead Improvements is complete. The new trailhead will be located at the northwest corner of Moore Road and Wild Burro Road. See site plan below (click on image for larger view). The project includes; (1) new location that replaces current swing gate entrance, (2) saguaros are protected in place (3) 2" aggregate base (AB) travel/parking area, (4) parking for 20 cars and 2 horse trailers, (5) connection to existing trail system and (6) portable toilet. This project will be advertised for bid in mid-January with work to be completed by Summer 2023.

TP West Fence
The western portion of TP is not fenced allowing cattle and Off Highway Vehicles to enter the 2,400 acre preserve. The design of the TP West Fence is complete. See site plan below (click on image for larger view). The project includes; (1) 14,809 feet of wildlife friendly fence and (2) three access gates. The rancher will be relocating the cattle water tank outside the TP fence/boundary. This project will be advertised for bid in mid-January with work to be completed by Summer 2023.

Trail Counter
TA donated $500 towards the purchase of a hiker/biker trail counter to monitor usage of TP and other MPR trails. The trail counter has been received and MPR is having a security enclosure manufactured to protect it. We expect the trail counter to be up and running in early 2023. It is portable and can be located anywhere along the 9.0 mile TP trail.