Governor Hobbs Vetoes 5 and Signs 3 Water Bills
The Arizona legislature approved 8 water bills at the very end of the 2024 legislative session. However, 5 of the bills did not pass muster with Governor Hobbs and were vetoed. Here is a brief summary of the bills:
Water Bills Vetoed
HB 2017-would allow commingling of sources of supply to determine Assured Water Supply
HB 2020-would allow long-term storage credits (LTSCs) for stormwater facilities
HB 2062-would allow quick, 15-day review of Assured Water Supply application in the Phoenix Active Management Area (AMA)
HB 2127-would allow projected (not actual) effluent volumes in determining Assured Water Supply
SB 1172-would allow transfer of grandfathered agriculture groundwater rights for urban uses
Water Bills Signed
SB 1081- Allows designation of a portion of a city or town that is located both in the area delineated for exemption and in the Phoenix Active AMA as having an Assured Water Supply if certain requirements are met
SB 1242-allows gray water projects as part of water conservation grant fund
SB1181- Allows a municipal provider that submits an application for a new designation of assured water supply in the Phoenix AMA to elect for parcels of member land to retain a replenishment obligation
Tony Davis (Tucson Daily Star) wrote a nice article entitled, "Water Bills Sent To Hobbs: Good for housing or boons to aquifer-depleting sprawl". This article covered the angst by many environmentalists and some water professionals regarding the "excessive developer control over water matters in the state".
Howard Fisher (Tucson Daily Star) wrote a nice article, "Gov. Hobbs Vetoes 5 Arizona Water Bills", that gives a little more information on the bills.
TA supports the Governor's actions. This sentence from Governor Hobb's letter to the House and Senate (download by clicking the link below) says it best:
"House Bills 2017, 2020, 2062, and 2127 threaten to erode the water protections Arizonans rely upon, and do not measure up to the real groundwater challenges we face. These bills would weaken and circumvent the Assured Water Supply regulations that provide consumer protection and promote sustainable water management."